Sultan Qaboos University (SQU)
Since its establishment in 1986, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) has developed into a prestigious university, offering enlightening programs that meet high standards of quality. The University has become an established centre of knowledge and expertise in fields that relate to Omani culture and national development, as well as a wide range of academic disciplines. The University’s preeminence has been achieved by excellence in the enactment of the University’s four main responsibilities: teaching; research; community engagement; and, cooperation with other Higher Education Institutions in and outside the Sultanate.
The University currently has nine colleges:
Arts & Social Sciences
Commerce & Economics
Agriculture & Marine Sciences
Medicine & Health Sciences
The total number of students enrolled at Sultan Qaboos University during the academic year 2009/2010 was approximately 17,000. For more information, For more information,please visit:
For information on other Government Higher Education Institutions in the Sultanate, please consult the section on the Colleges of Applied Sciences on this website, as well as the websites for the Ministries of Health, Manpower, Defence, Aqaf & Religious Affairs; and the Royal Oman Police.
Since its establishment in 1994, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has been dedicated to building a quality higher education system capable of serving the Sultanate’s growing population. The Ministry’s first priority was access and the number of Higher Education Institutions has rapidly increased to meet the demand for seats. At the same time, program offerings have been diversified in alignment with the requirements of the job market and national economic development.
The expansion of higher education encompasses both government and private Higher Education Institutions. Private investors have the opportunity to establish new private universities and colleges in the Sultanate and are offered a number of incentives which are outlined below. Oman’s system of higher education currently includes 27 private universities and colleges with an enrollment of some 35,000 students.
Private Higher Education is formalised and regulated by a number of Royal Decrees and Ministerial Decisions; namely Royal Decrees 41/99 and 42/99 which regulate the establishment of private Higher Education Institutions; and Ministerial Decision 36/99, an executive bylaw for implementing these two Royal Decrees.
Royal Decree 67/2000 is designed to further regulate private sector activities in Higher Education and to encourage effective and positive contributions. It identifies the support provided by Government to the private higher education sector; which includes a land grant, certain customs exemptions; as well as, for private universities, a matching grant of 50% of capital contribution to a maximum amount of RO three million.
In addition, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said – May Allah protect and foster him – endowed a Royal grant of RO 17 million for Omani-owned private universities. So far, this grant has been awarded to Sohar University, Dhofar University, Nizwa University, Buraimi University, and Sharqiyah University, for construction of facilities and for equipment directly related to improving the quality of education.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation encourages private HEIs to choose highly reputable universities as partners in academic affiliation agreements for the purpose of monitoring and improving quality, diversifying program offerings, and increasing the prestige of the degrees awarded by private HEIs.
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Academic Programs In Private Higher Education Institution 2020/2021 here
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