application conditions

Target Audience

The proposals and complaints in the ministry are divided into two categories based on the target audience:

  1. Students: Students can submit their proposals, inquiries, and complaints through the Student File service.
  2. General Public: The service can be accessed through the proposals and complaints link.

Submission Conditions

  1. Clear Identification of the Complainant: The complainant must provide their personal information clearly, such as full name, civil ID number, and contact information.
  2. Complaint Related to Ministry's Responsibilities: The complaint must pertain to topics or issues that fall within the ministry's jurisdiction, such as academic matters, research issues, or those related to scholarships and grants.
  3. No Repeated Complaints: If the complaint has been responded to or resolved, the same complaint should not be resubmitted unless there are new developments.
  4. Professional and Respectful Complaint: The complaint must be professional and respectful, free from inappropriate language or personal attacks.

Service Submission Channels

  • Ministry's Website
  • Customer Service Hall

Service Process Steps

  1. The Customer Service Department will receive the proposals and complaints.
  2. The aforementioned department will refer the matter to the relevant authorities within the ministry.
  3. A response will be provided after clarifying the replies from the relevant authorities.

Service Fees

There are no fees for this service.